Up for Planet & People – Corporate Social Responsibility actions

Because contributing positively to the social and environmental well-being of our planet and our local communities is one of our commitments and a reason of pride for our founder and CEO William E. Heinecke, every year in June (his birthday month) we celebrate Minor Founder’s Day with a week dedicated to carrying out several Social Responsibility actions all over the world.

In Portugal, this year we were 206 Volunteers, who all over the country joined several initiatives, donated their time and made a difference in the lives of several families, children, elderly people and contributed to a cleaner planet.




  • We provided moments of joy and lots of fun to 17 CHILDREN from CATRAIA. Temporary Shelter for Children at Risk;
  • We provided a different day for 11 CHILDREN with special needs and 11 teachers from the Pedro Eanes Lobato School Group, offering transport, a visit to the Lisbon ZOO and a delicious lunch box. Children with whom the Avani Avenida da Liberdade Lisboa Hotel has a special relationship, as they decorate and dress mini teddy bears that are given to families with children staying at the hotel throughout the year;
  • We collected & donated toys/clothes and food items to the CENTRO SOCIAL E CULTURAL 25 DE ABRIL;
  • We cleaned up the MATA NACIONAL DO CHOUPAL in Coimbra;
  • We promoted BLOOD DONATION to the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation in Coimbra;
  • We collected simple electronic toys (ON/OFF) and donated them to the “MIL BRINQUEDOS por MIL SORRISOS” campaign promoted by the Higher School of Technology and Management of IPL-ESTG, responsible for giving them a NEW LIFE and reusing them for children with special needs;
  • We donated food to the PORTO SOLIDÁRIO and CASA DO PORTO institutions, which distribute and provide assistance to needy families (monthly donations);
  • We provided moments of joy and lots of fun to around 215 users (elderly people and children) of the Associação de Solidariedade Social Vencer . CASAL POPULAR from Damaia with the organization of a Popular Saints Festival;
  • We carried out painting, cleaning, donation and installation of new storage cabinets in the dining and leisure area for users of the Day Centre of the Associação de Solidariedade Social Vencer . CASAL POPULAR in Damaia.


Thank you to everyone who once again dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to these initiatives!
Together we made the difference!

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