Terms and Conditions

Accessing, browsing, and using the website – www.eucareers.minorhotels.com – constitutes the express and unconditional acceptance of all the terms in these Terms and Conditions, which hold the same validity and effect as any written and signed contract.

Compliance with these terms will be required from anyone who accesses, browses, or uses this website. If you do not agree with the terms set forth, please do not access, browse, or use any page of this site.

Company Details

Registered Address: Calle Santa Engracia 120, 7ª 28003 – Madrid
Tax ID: A28027944

Purpose and Scope

These Terms and Conditions regulate the access, browsing, and use of the website, without prejudice to NH HOTEL GROUP reserving the right to modify the presentation, configuration, and content of the site, as well as the conditions required for access and/or use. Accessing and using the content of the website after the implementation of any modifications implies acceptance of such changes. However, access to certain content and the use of specific services may be subject to particular conditions, which will, in any case, be clearly indicated and must be expressly accepted by users. These specific conditions may replace, supplement, or modify these Terms and Conditions where appropriate. NH HOTEL GROUP reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions, either in whole or in part, by publishing any such changes in the same manner as these Terms and Conditions are presented or through any form of communication addressed to users.

Access and Registration

It is not necessary to register to access and browse the website. However, to subscribe to alerts, programs, events (whether online or in-person), and other services, it will be necessary to complete the relevant web forms. Registration on the website is free unless otherwise indicated. If you do not have a username and password to access our private platforms hosted on the website, you must register using the links and/or forms configured for this purpose, agreeing to provide real and accurate information. Access to the website by minors is prohibited. Under no circumstances will NH HOTEL GROUP be responsible for the accuracy of the registration data provided by users, and each user is responsible for any consequences, errors, or malfunctions that may arise from providing false information.

User Registration Requirements

To be eligible for registration on the website, users must be over 18 years of age and provide all required information marked as mandatory. NH HOTEL GROUP will specify, in each registration form, the specific conditions that must be met by the user. NH HOTEL GROUP reserves the right to request the necessary information to verify whether users meet the requirements set by the company for registration. Users also agree that their accounts are personal and non-transferable. Under no circumstances may a registered user account be transferred between different individuals.

Cancellation of User Registration

At any time, users may request the cancellation of their registration on the platform hosted on the website. To do so, they should contact NH HOTEL GROUP using the contact methods provided on each registration form or platform. Once registration has been canceled, users may request a new registration, although NH HOTEL GROUP reserves the right to reject such a request in specific cases outlined in the “Unauthorized Uses” clause or where there is an unresolved conflict or dispute between the parties. This may include instances where the user has caused harm or damage to NH HOTEL GROUP, its partners or associates, or even other users, clients, or potential customers.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

NH HOTEL GROUP is the owner — or holds the relevant licenses — of all intellectual or industrial property rights for the website, as well as the intellectual and industrial property rights concerning the information, materials, and content made available. Under no circumstances shall access, use, and navigation of the website by users be interpreted as a waiver, transmission, license, or transfer of any such rights by NH HOTEL GROUP. Users are permitted to use the content and/or services on the website for strictly personal and domestic purposes only. References to trademarks, trade names, or other distinctive signs — whether owned by NH HOTEL GROUP or third parties — imply a prohibition on their use without the explicit consent of NH HOTEL GROUP and/or their legitimate owners. In no case does access, browsing, or use of the website and/or its content grant the user any rights over the distinctive signs included therein.
All intellectual and industrial property rights concerning the content of the website and/or its services are reserved. Specifically, it is prohibited to alter, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform, or distribute — in any form or medium, either in whole or in part — the content found on this website for public or commercial purposes without the express prior written consent of NH HOTEL GROUP or, where applicable, the rightful owner of the rights in question.
When users submit any type of information to NH HOTEL GROUP through any of the channels provided for this purpose, they declare, warrant, and accept that they do so freely, that the information does not infringe any intellectual or industrial property rights or trade secrets of any third party, and that such information is not confidential or harmful to third parties. Users acknowledge and accept responsibility, holding NH HOTEL GROUP harmless, for any communication provided personally or in their name, including the accuracy, legality, originality, and ownership of such communications without limitation.

Links to Other Websites

If the website contains links to other websites via buttons, links, banners, or embedded content, NH HOTEL GROUP declares that such third-party websites are not operated by NH HOTEL GROUP, and it does not have the technical or human resources to monitor or approve the information, content, products, or services provided by other websites linked from this site. Consequently, NH HOTEL GROUP assumes no responsibility for any aspect of a third-party website linked to this one. This includes, but is not limited to, its functioning, access, data, information, files, quality, and reliability of its products and services, links, and/or content.
If users become aware that the activities of third-party websites linked from this website are illegal or violate morality and/or public order, they should immediately notify NH HOTEL GROUP so that appropriate action can be taken to remove access to such links as soon as possible. In any case, the establishment of any link from the website to another page does not imply any relationship, collaboration, or dependency between NH HOTEL GROUP and the administrator of the external site.

Links from Other Pages to the Website

NH HOTEL GROUP does not authorize the establishment of a link to this website from pages that contain illegal, offensive, or obscene material, or that violate legal, moral, or public order standards. However, users may establish links to this website provided they have obtained prior express permission from NH HOTEL GROUP.

Website Usage Conditions

Using the website for unlawful or unauthorized purposes, whether for profit or not, is strictly prohibited. Users will be solely responsible for the consequences of such actions. The following activities are prohibited (but are not limited to):

  • Using the website in a way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies, or defects in its functionality or the systems of third parties;
  • Transmitting, installing, or publishing any virus, malicious code, or harmful programs via the website;
  • Collecting personal data from other users;
  • Registering on the website using a false identity, impersonating a third party, or engaging in any activity likely to cause confusion about the identity of the origin of a message;
  • Accessing restricted areas of the website or its connected systems and servers without proper authorization;
  • Violating or attempting to violate the security measures of the website or any connected network;
  • Overloading the infrastructure of the website or its connected systems with unnecessary or disproportionate traffic;
  • Preventing the normal development of any activity on the website, such as events, promotions, or competitions, by illegal means.

Violating these terms may result in NH HOTEL GROUP taking appropriate legal action, including blocking or removing the user’s account without compensation for any damages caused.

Responsibilities and Warranties

NH HOTEL GROUP cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness, or accuracy of the content and services provided on the website. However, NH HOTEL GROUP states that it has taken all necessary measures, within the limits of technology, to ensure the functioning of the website and reduce the risk of errors. Users are responsible for notifying NH HOTEL GROUP of any illegal content or actions they detect on the website.

Privacy and Cookies Policy

In accordance with current data protection laws, all personal data provided while using the website will be processed in accordance with the Privacy and Cookies Policy, which all users must accept to register and use the website.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law. In the event of any disputes, the parties agree to submit to the courts of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction. For complaints regarding the use of our services, customers can send an email or correspondence to the address provided in the “Company Details” section. We are committed to seeking amicable solutions to any conflicts.