Carla Silva . Director of People Minor Hotels Distinguished at Best Human Potential Manager


We are proud to announce that Carla Silva, Director of People . Minor Hotels. Portugal (HR) was distinguished with the Xénios Award 2024, Awards for Excellence in Hospitality by ADHP, in the category of Best Human Potential Manager.

The Xénios Awards. Excellence in Hospitality, aims to distinguish Portuguese professionals in hospitality, in management positions, that stood out in the year 2023.

For Carla Silva Director of People. Minor Hotels. Portugal (RH), and for Minor Hotels, this award represents not only her passion and dedication to the hospitality industry, but above all a recognition of the work developed over the years, where the well-being and professional development of the teams have been her priority, thus elevating our people-oriented business culture.

The awards ceremony took place on March 21st, in the Aveiro Congress Auditorium, during the XX National Congress of ADHP.

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